Generative AI

Integrate GenAI for unprecedented efficiency and growth. 10Pearls is a trusted AI software development company that helps organizations of all sizes get more value from their data.


Seamlessly integrating generative AI (GenAI) technology into your workflows and solutions to maximize efficiency, productivity, and innovation to leverage the true potential and value of your organization.

Our solutions empower you to drive growth and enhance your competitive advantage. Leverage our cross-industry experiences and advanced technical expertise to discover how generative AI can turn your vision into tangible, impactful results.

Generative AI services we offer

Generative models

Transform content creation and streamline workflows with ease. Effortlessly deliver personalized, innovative experiences by integrating advanced deep learning techniques into your applications.

AI models: GPT | PixelRNN | Standard & conditional VAE | GANs | DDPM | Score-matching models

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Enhance user experiences with autonomous, intelligent chatbots handling inquiries and executing tasks with fluent, conversational language.
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Generative learning systems

Enable your solution to learn patterns and structures from existing data to create new, high-quality content, streamlining content creation and driving efficiency.

Automated code generation

Streamline development and software production by effortlessly creating programming code based on specified requirements.

Synthetic data generation

By learning the underlying distribution and characteristics of the original data, synthetic data generation models produce realistic and diverse artificial data that mimics real-world data.

Statistical forecasting

Predict future trends, behaviors, and outcomes with high accuracy using relevant data to generate realistic simulations, enhancing decision-making in industries like finance, healthcare, and marketing.

Computer vision models

Incorporate AI-driven processing to analyze visual information from the world around you, leveraging generative techniques to create, modify, or interpret images and videos. View framework

AI models: AlexNet | VGGNet | ResNet | ViT | DeiT | YOLO | Faster R-CNN | U-Net | SegNet | NeRF

Image classification

Automatically categorize images into predefined segments based on their visual content, distinguishing between different objects, scenes, and patterns within them.

Object detection

Identify and locate objects within images and videos, typically using bounding boxes to outline each object's position with pixel-level accuracy.

Scene understanding

Enable your application to intelligently perceive and interpret visual data by analyzing relationships between objects, spatial arrangement, and overall context.

Explore how we can help you navigate the AI landscape and adapt to emerging technologies and trends.

Bridge the gap between human communication and computer understanding, allowing for more natural and intuitive user experiences and the automation of tasks involving written language.

AI models: BERT | GPT | T5 | Char-RNN | Seq2Seq | Transformer | Attention is All You Need

Hands typing on keyboard - abstract design
Language understanding

Capture the context and nuances of language, enabling highly accurate and context-aware language understanding and generation.

Language generation

Produce coherent, contextually relevant, and human-like text. By analyzing input data, these models can craft responses, articles, or stories that mimic human writing. 

Sentiment analysis

Create personalized, empathetic, and human-like chatbots by integrating intelligent tone analysis and interpretation for conversational text data.

Language translation

Translate text while preserving meaning, context, and nuances, enabling cross-cultural communication, enhancing accessibility to information, and supporting global business operations.

Speech and audio models

Speech and audio models are specialized neural network architectures designed to process and analyze audio signals, particularly speech. These models aim to perform tasks such as speech recognition, speaker identification, emotion detection, and audio classification.

We create flexible, scalable data platforms to meet your current and future analytics needs, from basic business insights to advanced artificial intelligence applications.

AI models: OpenAI Whisper | Amazon Polly | Google Text-to-Speech | DeepSpeech | Wav2Vec | Tacotron | WaveNet | Voice conversion models

Automatic speech generation

Convert written text into natural-sounding speech to elevate applications in virtual assistants, navigation systems, and accessibility tools.


Accurately reproduce accents, emotions, and speaking styles, significantly enhancing the realism and effectiveness of your applications.

Audio generation & enhancement

Analyze audio signals and linguistic patterns, enabling voice-activated applications, virtual assistants, and transcription tools.

Speech recognition

Improve the clarity, quality, and intelligibility of audio recordings by reducing noise, correcting distortions, or enhancing specific audio features.

Recommendation systems

Analyze complex patterns and relationships within large datasets to provide highly personalized and relevant suggestions to users.

We create flexible, scalable data platforms to meet your current and future analytics needs, from basic business insights to advanced artificial intelligence applications.

AI models: Collaborative filtering | Content-based filtering | SVD | TF-IDF | Doc2Vec

Personalized recommendations

Create highly personalized recommendations that enhance user experiences. Enable users to discover products that perfectly match their evolving tastes and needs.

Group-based suggestions

Analyze and leverage the collective preferences of a group to offer data-driven recommendations to users, improving targeting techniques and engagement.

Recruitment portal

Automate and enhance recruitment processes by analyzing large volumes of applicant data to quickly identify the best-fit candidate, ensuring a more streamlined, unbiased, and effective talent acquisition.

Tools & technologies

Large Enterprise Grade AI/ML Platforms

We leverage top-tier tools and technologies from leading AI companies

We utilize models like GPT-4 to power our natural language processing (NLP) solutions. GPT-4's advanced capabilities in understanding and generating text allow us to create highly sophisticated chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated content generation systems. Our customer service automation solutions use GPT-4 to provide quick and accurate responses, enhancing response times and customer satisfaction.

Our infrastructure for training and deploying large language models (LLMs) relies heavily on NVIDIA's powerful GPUs. These GPUs enable us to process large datasets and train our models more efficiently, ensuring that our AI solutions are both scalable and high-performing. We use NVIDIA's latest technologies to accelerate the development and deployment of our AI models.

We utilize Hugging Face's libraries and tools to fine-tune pre-trained models for specific tasks. This allows us to customize AI solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients, whether it's for sentiment analysis, text summarization, or language translation.

Generative AI insights

FAQs about GenAI

Integrating generative AI (GenAI) into your business model offers several key advantages:

  • Scalability: GenAI solutions can easily scale up or down based on business needs, helping manage fluctuations in demand without the need to significantly increase staff or resources.
  • Improved customer experience: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, personalized interactions, and quicker response times.
  • Enhanced productivity: GenAI can automate routine tasks and workflows, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Cost efficiency: By automating tasks and optimizing operations, GenAI can help reduce overhead costs and strengthen the financial health of a business.

Collaborating with a software development partner like 10Pearls can help you navigate the complexities of the generative AI landscape, streamlining your path to realizing these benefits.

10Pearls has helped startups develop Minimum Viable Products to acquire impactful funding. It has also partnered with industry leaders to develop innovative solutions that have transformed the way they do business and set new standards within their industry.
10Pearls’ experienced team of software engineers is equipped to help businesses of all sizes. No matter the size of the organization, 10Pearls is passionate and dedicated to delivering solutions that create new value and have a tangible impact.

Leverage our AI Launchpad to get from ideation to proof-of-concept in 90 days.

This includes:

  • Outlining the business applicability of your solution
  • Designing the user experience
  • Developing a reference architecture
  • Providing a roadmap for full implementation
  • Delivering a working prototype

From there, the development timeline will depend on the complexity and nature of your AI initiative. Along the way, we maintain close communication to ensure your team is aware and onboard with all aspects of the development process.

Empower your business with artificial intelligence

Cut through AI hype - future-proof your business with AI