Technology Assessment

Comprehensive assessment of platforms, applications, processes, and systems to support your technical investment decisions

Successful transformation projects begin with
best practices in Tech

Looking to scale your existing solution? Identify and mitigate any bottlenecks, address security vulnerabilities, reduce code complexities - rearchitecturing platforms for performance and scalability.

Why are Technology Assessments Important?

Technology assessment done prior to technology adoption reduces the risk of ineffective investment decisions, however, this selection process is often one of the most challenging decisions businesses face

Understand your existing codebase

From application structure to technology dependencies, and code complexities

Understand your existing codebase

Identify & prioritize your technical debt

Outdated and overly complex codes that need a refresh for the maintainability of your application

Identify & prioritize your technical debt

Eliminating risk prior to modernization

Uncover potential challenges and limitations to weed out compatibility, data loss, and cost of downtime

Eliminating risk prior to modernization

Understand your existing codebase

From application structure to technology dependencies, and code complexities

Identify & prioritize your technical debt

Outdated and overly complex codes that need a refresh for the maintainability of your application

Eliminating risk prior to modernization

Uncover potential challenges and limitations to weed out compatibility, data loss, and cost of downtime

Services We Offer

Code Audit

A comprehensive codebase review to identify inconsistencies, vulnerabilities, code smells, and deviations from best practices. This includes but is not limited to examining coding standards, documentation practices, error handling, security measures, and scalability considerations. Conduct a comprehensive review of the codebase.

Deliverables Audit Report . Security Assessment . Performance Optimization Recommendations . Code Readability & Maintainability . Compliance Assessment

Architecture Evaluation

An assessment of the overall system architecture, including software design patterns, module dependencies, data flow, and integration points. This will help identify architectural weaknesses, bottlenecks, and areas for optimization to improve system performance and scalability.

Deliverables Architecture Assessment Report . Scalability Analysis Performance Analysis . Security Assessment

Security Assessment

A thorough examination of security measures implemented within the application, including authentication, authorization, data encryption, input validation, and protection against common security threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Recommendations will be provided to enhance the security posture of the application.

Deliverables Architecture Assessment Report . Scalability Analysis Performance Analysis . Security Assessment

Scalability Analysis

Evaluation of the application's ability to handle increasing loads and scale efficiently. This involves analyzing resource utilization, database performance, caching strategies, and the use of scalable infrastructure components. Recommendations will be provided to improve scalability and performance under heavy loads.

Deliverables Scalability Analysis Report . Performance Analysis Resource Utilization Analysis . Scalability Recommendations

DevOps Assessment

Evaluate current DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines, deployment automation, monitoring, incident response processes. This will identify opportunities to streamline development workflows, improve deployment reliability, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Deliverables DevOps Assessment Report . CI/CD Analysis . Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Review . DevOps Best Practices

UX Audit

Conducting usability, customer experience, and ADA compliance assessments to provide areas for improvement for enhancing platform usability, visual appeal, and overall user experience.

Deliverables UI Assessment Report . UI Design Recommendations . Wireframes and Prototypes . Usability Testing Plan

Our Service Areas​

Code Audit

A comprehensive codebase review to identify inconsistencies, vulnerabilities, code smells, and deviations from best practices. This includes but is not limited to examining coding standards, documentation practices, error handling, security measures, and scalability considerations. Conduct a comprehensive review of the codebase.

Deliverables Audit Report . Security Assessment . Performance Optimization Recommendations . Code Readability & Maintainability . Compliance Assessment

Architecture Evaluation

An assessment of the overall system architecture, including software design patterns, module dependencies, data flow, and integration points. This will help identify architectural weaknesses, bottlenecks, and areas for optimization to improve system performance and scalability.

Deliverables Architecture Assessment Report . Scalability Analysis Performance Analysis . Security Assessment

Security Assessment

A thorough examination of security measures implemented within the application, including authentication, authorization, data encryption, input validation, and protection against common security threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Recommendations will be provided to enhance the security posture of the application.

Deliverables Architecture Assessment Report . Scalability Analysis Performance Analysis . Security Assessment

Scalability Analysis

Evaluation of the application's ability to handle increasing loads and scale efficiently. This involves analyzing resource utilization, database performance, caching strategies, and the use of scalable infrastructure components. Recommendations will be provided to improve scalability and performance under heavy loads.

Deliverables Scalability Analysis Report . Performance Analysis Resource Utilization Analysis . Scalability Recommendations

DevOps Assessment

Evaluate current DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines, deployment automation, monitoring, incident response processes. This will identify opportunities to streamline development workflows, improve deployment reliability, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Deliverables DevOps Assessment Report . CI/CD Analysis . Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Review . DevOps Best Practices

UX Audit

Conducting usability, customer experience, and ADA compliance assessments to provide areas for improvement for enhancing platform usability, visual appeal, and overall user experience.

Deliverables UI Assessment Report . UI Design Recommendations . Wireframes and Prototypes . Usability Testing Plan

Our Technology Assessment Process

We provide software engineering assessments and recommendations across different aspects of a company’s tech platform, such as a review of technology stack, architecture, security, DevOps, and software development process assessments.

The team works with the client within a set period of time to perform its discover/analysis, document recommendations, and plan next steps. 


Optimize inefficient algorithms, resource leaks, and other performance issues, boosting application's speed and resource utilization.


Assess code for vulnerabilities and other common risks, verify proper input validation, data sanitization, and secure coding practices.


Evaluate code’s load and data volume, ensuring minimal performance degradation or the need for architectural changes.

Maintenance & Deployment

Resolve issues in code duplication, overly complex logic, and other factors that could hinder future modifications or maintenance.

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