10Pearls x Appian

Decision Configuration Suite (DCS)

A flexible, business-configurable decision engine
that enables business users to configure, deploy and manage decisioning criteria within their applications.

Empower your business with streamlined

The 10Pearls Decision Configuration Suite (DCS) leverages the Appian platform to empower your business with automated decision-making.

Our comprehensive solution, equipped with a Configuration Library, Decision Engine, and Configuration Case Management enables users to set up decisioning criteria, determine eligibility for data-driven decisions, and manage new configurations through simple case management.

Decision Configuration Suite services

Configuration library

Establish and organize decisioning
criteria, including business rules,
questions, tags, linkages, and
decision trees.

Decision engine

Utilize decisioning criteria to
determine eligibility and make
informed decisions.

Configuration case management

Integrate with Appian’s Case
Management Studio to manage the
end-to-end process of case creation
through business review
and activation.

Decision Configuration Suite advantages

Empower business users

Enables non-technical users to configure decisioning criteria without the need for coding, reducing the burden on IT.

Accelerate delivery

Reduces development time of Appian applications to achieve faster time-to-

Streamlined decisioning

DCS’s decision engine reduces manual decisioning and supports straight-through processing.

Adapt to business needs

Easily make configuration changes as business needs evolve to ensure your systems remain agile and responsive.

Advanced features

Leverages Appian’s Case Management Studio to manage configuration cases from creation through review and deployment.

Industry examples
  • Clinical decision support
  • Enrollment
  • Dynamic surveys
  • Health and risk assessments
  • Prior Authorizations
  • Fraud, waste, and abuse
  • Health Equity & Population Health
Financial services
  • Loan origination
  • Credit card applications
  • Due diligence
  • Fraud prevention
  • Consumer lending
  • KYC and customer onboarding
  • Risk Assessments
Life sciences
  • Clinical trials management
    – participant selection, patient
    engagement, trials monitoring
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Pharmacovigilance
Public sector
  • Grants management
  • Permitting
  • Contract management
  • Incident management
    and troubleshooting
  • HR onboarding
  • Asset management

Streamline complex decisioning and end-to-end decision configuration case management.

Decision Configuration Suite implementations

Scenario A: Decision configuration case management

Our Appian CMS integration with 10Pearls DCS allows users to manage the complete configuration lifecycle. Users can utilize CMS’s core components to build tailored configuration solutions, customize decisioning components, and modules for their applications with ease. They can verify new or updated configurations prior to deployment and access complete audit history to track additions and changes.

Scenario B: Extending Appian applications with complex decisioning

Integrate 10Pearls’ DCS into your Appian applications for advanced decision-making capabilities and accelerated deployment. Enable straight-through processing and auto-determinations in your Appian applications by leveraging pre-configured decisioning criteria within DCS.


Case study

Automated Clinical Decision Support

Improve your workflows, unify data, and optimize operations with the Appian AI Process Automation platform

Ready to get started?

10Pearls has leveraged Appian to tackle complex business challenges by developing, deploying, and managing custom applications that automate processes. Our solutions have powered industry-leading organizations by simplifying complexities and implementing effective solutions.