Once test conditions are identified for the test basis, you will prioritize once again. You need to ensure you are continuing with business processes that are important to the end users. Keep in mind the prioritization can change.
When the test conditions are prioritized, you can begin to design the test cases. Test cases consist of a pre-condition (What needs to be setup before testing can begin?), inputs (What are the data needs?), output (What are the expected results?) and the postcondition (What is the final state?). Based on the conditions, you can begin designing the test cases. Bi-directional traceability is very important. We need to know which part of the test basis is being tested by which test case. It may take multiple test cases to adequately test a portion of the test basis.
Once you have completed the test design process, you need to reprioritize again – ensuring the tests most important to the end users, tests with the highest failure rate, and tests that are most complex are completed first.
Once you design the test cases, begin filling in the details -- called Test Procedures. Writing test procedures is the process of filling in details for each test case including the user actions and expected
results as well as combining the test cases into logical processes. For example, if there is a test case to make an online purchase on a weekday, there must be a payment to make the purchase. Therefore, the “online purchase for a pair of shoes” test case and the “payment made by a VISA card”test case can be combined. Write each individual user action with an expected result. Once the procedure is complete, determine the specific order for execution.
An example, continuing with the online order example:
Place the order for shoes
Add a shirt to the order
Pay by VISA card
Complete the order
Combinations you need for execution are also part of developing the test procedures. Once the test procedures are complete, you will once again, reprioritize by business importance, high failure
rate, and complexity.
In summary, developing and designing test cases is a four step process: analyzing the test basis; identifying the test conditions; specifying the test cases; and developing the test procedures. Whether
your organization has an informal or formal process – it is still a process – just like better test case development!